Rochelle Nieuwenhuis
Community Co-Researcher
Rochelle loves the feeling of bare feet in mud, the sound of soul-stirring wind or coyotes in the distance, and the beauty of highbush cranberries and bane berries as they grow and change.
She comes from multiple worlds – the academic world of mathematics, cellular biology, microscopes, spreadsheets, and data; the non-profit world of drop-in centres and frontline workers trying to create thriving community with people experiencing homelessness and poverty; and the family-lineage-world of Dutch settlers in rural farming communities.
She’s curious about learning & practicing what it means to have deep social connections that bind us together as humans. How do we build networks of care, that are reciprocal and dignified, rather than falling into “giver-vs-needy” dynamics? How do we live out ideas such as solidarity not charity, doing with not for, agency and dignity, restorative practice, kinship, freedom and belonging, and healthy team cultures?
Fun fact: Rochelle has attended clown school and can occasionally be found as her clown Bella Donna at festivals in Edmonton!