
Gord Tulloch

Director of Innovation

Gord Tulloch is the Director of Innovation for posAbilities. He has been in non-profit management for over twenty years, focusing largely on effecting change within social services. He is a BC Partner for Social Impact and has won a couple awards for innovation—and one for scrabble. With a liberal arts background (Hon BA Philosophy, MA Liberal Arts, almost-MA Philosophy and Religious Studies), he spent several years in post-secondary education as a sessional instructor in philosophy (where he honed his skills in despair) and community support work. He loves music, cooking, wine and being hard on himself.  Sometimes he likes golf. He is endlessly curious about people, ideas and the world.

Fun facts: He was part of a team that ran across Canada in 1989 and his only official publication is in Russian. He’s never read it.

All posts by Gord Tulloch