Here's how: Humans Understanding Humans (HuH!)
We’re continuing our quest to provide bridges connecting Canada’s multicultural society in fun and engaging ways. This means you, your staff and colleagues can keep learning, growing, and developing your professional skills. For free.
Look at the world around us. Who couldn’t use a lesson in how to better communicate, especially with folks with different language and cultural backgrounds? Got team members stuck at home who might benefit? Read on to see how it works and get started on your growth journey.
First, tell us about yourself!

When you sign up, you tell us the needed info – name, contact, language. We also dive a bit deeper, prompting you to think about values that matter most to you and what parts of your identity show strongest for you.
Then, spend 30 mins on video chat with a newcomer!

The protein of a balanced HuH diet is in the chat. It’s not another webinar – it’s live experiential learning. Get out of your comfort zone by chatting with a stranger from another part of the world, and learn how to communicate better in the process. The conversation cards you use in your chat are useful tools to carry forward in your personal and professional life.
Process the experience

After the experience, you have time to think about it and what you learned. It’s likely that a lot of what you realize isn’t about the newcomer you just helped practice English – it’s about yourself. Growing happens here, just in time for you to apply what you’ve learned to your next chat!
Humans Understanding Humans is brought to you by a team based in B.C. that’s spent the last year listening to newcomers to Canada. Thanks to a partnership between Options Community Services in Surrey and InWithForward in Vancouver, with funding by Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Canada, we’re trying new ways to turn isolation into social solidarity.