Are you a designer, a film-maker, or do you work for the public or social sector? We’re building the In/Out Project team in Toronto, alongside our Learning Circle for system stakeholders. Apply to join by 15 October.
In/Out comes out of on-the-ground research at the corner of Queen West and Bathurst. We spent several weeks getting to know the folks who used the Drop-in Centre on the corner. They had such a strong sense of comfort and belonging, and yet, there were very few shared stories of change.
Together, we came up with heaps of ideas for how to enable places like Drop-in Centers to function as platforms for change – in addition to being important sources of survival and identity.
In November, we’ll start taking those from paper and putting them into practice. We’ll be testing what prompts change and what does not. To do that, we’ll need an eclectic mix of terrific and tantalizing talent. Plus,we want to share the unfolding process with local leaders & decision-makers from government and NGOs.
Go to the In/Out project website, read the role descriptions, and apply by 15 October.