Week 6 in Numbers

Last week, we’ve…

3 practices revised // 25 since IWF started

  • We revised our analysis wall, our practice of sharing content with people we work with.
  • Revised slideshow on how we’re talking about our methods, for the new website.
  • And we revised how we think about the roles in the team, and how to get to a great team – not just great individuals!

1 behavior adopted // 5 since IWF started

We played back quotes and observations from interviews with women and staff at a women’s shelter in Apeldoorn (NL) – and enabled staff to connect the dots and reflect on what it means for their own practice.

1 story shared // 4 since IWF started

Renee works as a disability care worker at a small family-like home. Read her story in a few weeks on our new website, which will be up next month. Getting back to you Renee!

2 people joined // 58 since IWF started

Thanks Behrat, copyshop manager in Rotterdam at Pameijer
Thanks Kevin, out of class room educator in Sydney

0 paradigms poked // 9 since IWF started